Friday, July 17, 2009

CDrom cleaning

This is one of the more traditional questions, yet very easy to answer:

How to clean a CD-ROM without breaking it?

The CD-ROMs can be cleaned using the kits on sale at electronics stores.

You can also clean them with a clean soft lint-free cotton cloth. To do this, carefully wipe the silvery face. You have to rub slightly the CD with your cloth from the center and moving toward the edges in a straight line.

Do not turn in circles!

If a depot persists, soak your cloth with a little water or rubbing alcohol.

Get an email address

People not used to internet often wonder how they could get an email address.

There are several aspects to take into account, prior to heading to one or another solution :

  • Are you linked to an internet subscription ? If so you may already have access to an email address. However you should know that when you switch to another provider, chances are you loose this email address. That’s why you may want to have a separate email address.

  • Are you ready to pay for this service ? Most people are not, as many free email services exist. However free services are mainly full of advertisement, this may not be suitable if you are looking for something clean.
  • How much security do you need ? When sharing a wireless connection, or at work, you may have some privacy concerns, thus needing an encrypted connection between your web browser and the email server. A few email providers offer this feature.

Runbox is a good paying email service, with no ads, mobile access, secure connection.

Gmail is a free (ads-featured) service with a nice and clean interface, providing a secure connection too.

Here are the two services I would use if I was willing to pay or not, but if you want to try others, give a try to Yahoo Mail and Hotmail.

Start funding for your children scholarship

A friend of mine, who has a little baby, has told me about this sweet web site: The cute kid.

You can upload a picture of your last child and get him compete with others to be the cutest kid on the month, even the year …

Actually there is much more to earn for your baby than getting his picture on the winners wall, since the winners can receive many prizes, up to a $25,000 College Tuition Fund. This can really be useful for your child future scholarship, with hardly nothing to pay in advance (the picture is uploaded for free, and there is only a $19 subscription to the contest).

To get started, click here!